Thursday, December 15, 2011

The beginning of many posts...

Ah, the big wide world of cinema.  It seems like eons ago that I had once longed to be part of this world...but now I'm pursuing a degree in both music performance and English.  Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean that I have given up hope completely.  Maybe my writing career will take me to writing screenplays one day and just maybe (although a terrible long shot while still crossing my fingers) directing.  But for now, I must settle for writing analyses and reviews for different movies.

As I write this, I'm currently in the middle of my finals week.  I didn't have any difficult exams so instead of studying, I watched movies.  The last movie I had finished watching was Ferris Bueller's Day Off (absolutely love this film and any work of John Hughes!) but I won't go into details about that film right now...maybe later.

Anyways, it was about a couple of days ago that the seed to begin a movie review blog was planted.  See here, every time I watch a movie I always go to to see what the critics had to say about the movie.  I especially always check what Roger Ebert has to say.  There are times when he and I don't exactly see eye to eye about certain movies (for example: Edward Scissorhands) but I still view him as an inspiring figure in the development for my taste in movies.

So I began thinking during my many free hours..."What if I were to write what I thought about movies?"  I knew I had a lot of opinions on different movies but was it going to be worth while to take the time and actually write analyses and reviews on these movies?  Who was going to read them?  Shouldn't I be working on my novel instead?  And then it hit me; I need to write period.

It has been a long while since I have written something (besides term papers) and since I'm on a movie spree right now; why not?  Writing is still writing.  I figured as long as I was writing something that would be enough to get me by for now or until I finally go back to my novel.

So here I am creating this blog to state my opinion on films and the like.  I decided that for this first post I should just introduce myself and state what I am about.  I haven't yet decided on what film to review first but the first review should be coming in the next day or two (at least I hope).

What should you expect from my reviews?  Well...I'll try to state the circumstance which led me to watch the film and also how I overall felt about it.  I will try to also give an analysis of the movie's themes, characters, motifs, etc.  Unless it's a really bad movie...I won't even try to find a deeper meaning...I'll tear the thing to freaking shreds.  I will at all possible try to make my reviews entertaining hoping to make you want to watch my favorites as well as to never approach the scrum of the film industry.

On this blog, I will also add various blog specials (like the top 20 hottest guys in film, television, and music) and a list of my growing collection of movies which you can browse.  I might also do some reviews for my favorite tv shows and also rant about my life (although I hope it never comes to this).  As you can see, I will TRY to make this blog diverse so bare with me and my first blog experience.

I believe that is all for now...until next time...


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